Bottle of Aqueous Guard Bio tex protect
Bio Tex protect being applied to leather car seat
Aqueous Guard bottle of bio tex protect for fabric and leather stain protection in front of textile
Biotex protected fabric with beading
Bio tex protect being applied to leather car seat
Biomaster infographic


Regular price £19.99 Sale price £8.99
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Bio-Tex Protect is an effective textile and leather coating with protective properties including repellent, antimicrobial and antiviral protection to give you the extreme clean advantage in your vehicle, home or where ever you need it. No matter how tough the stains are that come your way –they just bounce off!

Main Features:

  • Antimicrobial ( for further information)
  • For use on fabric and leather
  • Stain repellent
  • Easier Cleaning
  • Quick and simple spray and leave application
  • pH Neutral
  • Lasts up to 15 standard washes / up to 2 years with a top-up after 6 months
  • One litre of Bio-Tex will cover approx. 10sqm

How to use:

1.  Shake bottle well before use (5-10 seconds). 

2.  When applying to fabric surfaces, apply an even coat ensuring the material is wet but not saturated.   For leather surfaces, mist the product onto the surface, then buff with a clean dry cloth. 

3.  Surface will be usable as soon as touch dry. 

More Information:

Water and liquids simply bead and roll off the material, whilst food stains are easier to remove, leaving no residue on the surface, making it the ideal solutions for all fabric & leather surfaces.

Incorporated into BIO-TEX PROTECT is Biomaster® Antimicrobial technology. When bacteria and viruses land on a BIO-TEX PROTECT coated surface, they are prevented from growing, producing energy or replicating, therefore they die. The Biomaster® binds to the bacteria cell wall, disrupting growth. It interferes with enzyme production, stopping the cell producing energy. It also interrupts the cells DNA replication.

The coating is highly durable and effective. Independent laboratory testing shows the antimicrobial properties of the coating to still be fully effective after 3 x lab washes which is the equivalent of 15 standard washes. In typical tests to ISO 22196:2011 Biomaster® reduced levels of E.coli, MRSA, Listeria, legionella, Salmonella, Campylobacter and Staphylococcus aureus by over 99%. Further viral testing to ISO 18184:2019 show > 61.69% reduction in just 15 minutes and > 91.87% in 2 hours against SARS-CoV-2, the cause of COVID19. Biomaster® technology has also shown efficacy against the norovirus.


Our plastic bottles are made from PET plastic which is completely recyclable, and is the most recycled plastic in the world.

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
surpised by the results

i sprayed this on my car seats, left it to dry, and it was good timing as the following day i spilt coffee all over my passenger seat! It was so easy to clean up! The only downside was that i could of done with buying a bigger bottle as i used quite a bit to soak all of the seats and i dont think i have enough left to do my whole sofa and all of my chairs!

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